Monday, November 23, 2009

Unemployment compensation tax skyrocketing

Unemployment compensation tax has not been a widely discussed issued among the rising unemployment rate. States in the US are having difficulties paying unemployment claims due to the significant rise in unemployment. States have to resort to bumping up compensation tax such as an example with Florida, which has to increase unemployment tax by 12x from $8.40 for every employee to $100.30.

There are 33 states which will increase their compensation taxes next year. This will make small businesses which continue to be cautious with regards to credit, and expansion will now find hiring or retaining employees more expensive. Although contract and temporary workers may see a slight uptick, these positions will likely be mute to the unemployment rate, and claims will continue to be at elevated levels. Without sustained job creation and longer work hours for current employees, these temporary positions will likely see very minimal increases. Hence, why I've been very cautious with regards to investing in these employment services stocks.

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